About the course (SO Distans Engelska)

Course scope and pace

The course comprises a total of 100 hours and runs over a period of about four months. The 100 hours are divided into 34 lessons with different subjects. Four lessons will be done digitally though live meetings online. During those meetings, we meet digitally via the tool Teams. We will send an invitation to the meeting to your e-mail well in advance with information on how to connect.

The course is based on you completing two lessons per week. This corresponds to six hours of self-study per week.


You do most of the lessons yourself by logging in to the platform www.samhällsorientering.se under “Other courses”.

  • Click on “Log in”
  • Log in with the information we send you .
  • Click on “Övriga kurser” and “Distanskurser” .
  • Change language to English at the top of the page.

Under each theme there are lessons with movies, instructions and tasks. In some of the lessons you will write your answers in our forum. There you discuss topics with other participants in your class and with us who work at the Integration Center.

To pass a lesson, you need to take part in the material we post and answer questions about the content. Materials that we want you to take part in can be films, texts and web pages. Expect a lesson to take three hours of study.

For those lessons where we want you to discuss with other participants, remember to be constructive, keep a good tone and not write anything that can offend someone else.

The first lesson takes place live and then we meet over Teams. We will send the invitation to you by e-mail.