In this lesson we will:
- Discuss different ways of living together in a couple in Sweden
- Developing knowledge of the laws that regulate couple relationships in Sweden
- Developing knowledge of the rules governing divorce and child custody
Reading/ viewing/ listening
There is a general reference here about Family life here, scroll to “Different Ways of Living Together” or follow the link:
- Different ways of life and starting a family (
- The film Hugo visits the Family Law Office (subtitles are available in several languages)
- What does it mean to be a sambo in Sweden (Sveriges Radio)
Look through the information via the links. Then answer the study questions (use forms or email):
- What do people look for in a (couple) relationship?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of: marriage // cohabitation(sambo)?
- What are individual Rights and Responsibilities in relationships to themselves and to their children- if their relationship ends?
- What advice do you have for couples to stay together?